PaperCut Hive - Cloud Print Management Software
What is PaperCut Hive?
PaperCut Hive is a form of print management software. PaperCut software helps primary schools and SMEs manage their print devices for the purpose of increasing their document and print security, improving efficiency, reducing waste and saving money.

How does it work?
Unlike other PaperCut products that need to be installed onto a server, PaperCut Hive is hosted within the cloud, making it ideal for organisations with a serverless setup.
Hive uses ‘Edge Mesh’ technology to treat the computers and laptops within your organisation as nodes (essentially a net of mini servers). The nodes intercept print jobs as they pass into a print queue so that you can log, track, and manage your print.
If a node device drops off the ‘Edge Mesh’, another will step in and take over, so there’s minimal risk of downtime.

Who is PaperCut Hive for?
It doesn’t matter whether you’re a small or medium sized business, or a primary school, time and resources are limited – this is where Hive comes in.
Small and Medium sized businesses
For start-ups, small, or medium sized organisations with no print policies or accountability in place, paper, ink and toner can be expensive. PaperCut Hive reduces costs by giving you full visibility and tracking capability, and provides duplex or mono print controls to help you make positive changes.
Primary schools
With the average school student wasting over 3,000 sheets of paper each year, school printing costs can often spiral out of control and can be damaging to the environment. PaperCut software helps schools reduce waste by granting administrators full insight, allowing them to promote responsible behaviours.

What are the benefits of PaperCut Hive?
Security – access control helps you choose when and where users can print, copy or scan, and secure print release ensures documents are only seen by those they’re intended for by requiring authentication with an app, code, or ID card at the device. You can even add watermarks and digital signatures for additional security.
Lower Environmental Impact – less printing means less impact. Optional reminders and touch screen prompts encourage better print behaviour by promoting double-sided or mono, instead of full colour.
Ease of use – Hive’s serverless technology makes printing easier than ever. Within a few clicks, users can print to a single queue from any device and securely release their print job using their smartphone or the device touchscreen. It couldn’t be simpler - configure your device and you’re ready to go.
Free IT Staff Time - IT staff need to be able to focus on mission critical tasks. By removing the print server you’ll remove the burden of ongoing maintenance.
Reduce costs – with no print server there are no hefty up-front investment costs, and by minimising waste you’ll be saving on the cost of wastepaper, ink, or toner.
Tracking and Monitoring – you’ll have full oversight of your print environment, including who is printing and what’s being printed. This will give you the ability to enforce more efficient print policies and encourage responsible print behaviours.
Scalability – with minimal setup required, the software can be scaled up or down in line with changes to your business.
Mobile compatibility – Hive is fully compatible with Chromebooks, Android, macOS, iOS and Windows devices without the need to set up print drivers.

PaperCut product comparison
PaperCut have created a range of print management solutions designed to help different organisations with different tasks:
PaperCut Pocket and PaperCut Hive sit within the cloud, and as such do not require servers or maintenance, making them highly suitable for organisations with a more simplistic print environment.
PaperCut Pocket features secure print release at the device via the PaperCut app. Like MF, PaperCut Hive expands on Pockets functionality. You can track and manage printing, copying and scanning and release jobs at the device via PaperCut’s app, an ID card, or the device’s touchscreen.
PaperCut NG and PaperCut MF are self-hosted and require a server, making them ideal for organisations with complex print environments. PaperCut NG can be set up and installed by you, and lets you track, charge, and manage print jobs across your network. PaperCut MF expands on the functionality of PaperCut NG to track, charge, and manage print, copying, scanning, and offers secure print release. MF needs to be setup by a certified expert.

Why partner with Sharp for your PaperCut print management software solution?
As a certified Papercut reseller, we support over 1,500 customers with PaperCut software in the UK. We’ll work with you to understand your business and your goals, and then draw on our decades of experience in the provision of cost-effective print management and managed print services to build a unique solution to help you achieve them.
By partnering with Sharp you’ll have the backing of a leading global print brand. We have a UK-based helpdesk that delivers friendly support in plain English, and a nationwide team of over 250 engineers, with teams local to every region of the country.