The MSS Group employs more than 300 people to provide support and compliance services for high profile commercial and public sector clients, including Siemens, the BBC and Sodexo. Having doubled its turnover in recent years, the company is growing at pace, and administrative resources were stretched. Mission critical back-office processes, such as accounts invoicing and record management, relied upon disparate, laborious systems. Sharp conducted a thorough audit and overhauled the Group’s print and document management systems, achieving major cost and efficiency gains, whilst best-in-class visual solutions continue to invigorate meetings and presentations.
Dated technology and processes
The primary challenge for MSS was their failing printers. Jonathan Jones, Finance and Central services Director at MSS Group says: “They were slow, offered limited functionality and were expensive to run. One particular device consumed more than £240 worth of toner a month!” Exasperating this further was the organisation’s disparate software. “The systems for accounts and customer records were all different,” says Jonathan, “documents had to be individually scanned and uploaded, which was laborious, time-consuming and prone to error.”
Lastly, the company needed something that would breathe new life into client-facing meetings and presentations.
Innovative devices and systems
After a thorough audit, Sharp’s dedicated account managers decided that strategically placed multifunction devices, aimed at use by workgroups, would be a more efficient way of printing, replacing the personal legacy printers and scanners around the office. By removing unnecessary machines, financial savings would also be made by reducing overheads.
Able to scan at pace, the MX-3640 and MX-4070 were proposed to let staff batch-process invoices, automatically uploading them to the relevant software to save time.
Sharp also suggested its visual solutions to rejuvenate meeting spaces. The 80” PN-80TC3 BIG PAD touch screen was chosen to add interactivity to presentations, whilst a PN-Y496 display screen would let staff show laptop content in immaculate HD.
Increased engagement and productivity
Since Sharp upgraded print with a reduced fleet of multifunction machines, Jonathan explains: “They’ve changed the way we work. We have automated several key document processes, saving time, improving productivity, and reducing cost. We can process information faster and make it available to customers earlier. Batch scanning also eliminates the need for manual processing, saving time and releasing staff to carry out more productive work.
“The Sharp MFPs are faster than the personal printers they replaced, and produce higher quality documents. They print onto heavyweight paper and automatically staple document sets, which we used to outsource. Using the Sharp MFPs, we now produce customer-facing documents in-house, saving us even more time and money, whilst giving us greater control.
Lastly, Jonathan says: “The screens have also changed our meetings for the better. Instead of having people huddled around a laptop, staff can now effortlessly display content during meetings, and the boardroom touch screen really impresses clients during presentations.”
If you would like to know more about Sharp solutions and how we can help improve your business reach, please Get In Touch for a demonstration.