Print Audit Services
What is a print audit service?
A print audit is a service designed to help organisations gain an accurate understanding of their current print fleet and environment, including devices, volumes and true costs. A print audit service is typically the first step prior to implementing an effective managed print service, as the insight data provided can be used to make the existing or future print fleet more efficient and cost-effective.
Sharp’s print audit service can go beyond cost savings by auditing print behaviour and existing print policy, this often identifies additional opportunities for improved productivity, efficiencies, and device and document security.

How does it work?
A print audit service varies depending on the size of your organisation and the complexity of your environment, but the same basic principles apply. It’ll perform a discovery process both onsite and remotely to create and present a report on findings and recommendations.

What are the benefits?
Visibility & insight
By conducting a print audit you’ll have full visibility of your equipment, and gain insight data to support the development of an effective print strategy.
The print audit report provided will often highlight hidden costs or wasteful spending by presenting real-time figures on print volume and print type, such as mono or full colour. This gives you an accurate picture of your print spend so that you can see where changes need to be made for cost savings.
Efficiency & productivity
Organisations with a long and complex print history may have multiple suppliers supporting their print fleet, often compromising efficiency and management.
A print audit will present this information in a clear format, showing you the layout of devices across your office space so that you can make positive changes and increase efficiency. It will look at your infrastructure, how devices are used, where print management controls can be implemented and how digital processes such as ‘scan to email’ can be used to improve productivity and workflow.
Environmental footprint
Print is traditionally a paper-heavy process, and organisations today are taking increasing notice of their impact on the environment. A print audit service gives businesses insight into their print practices, paper and energy inefficiencies so that you can introduce more eco-friendly equipment and policies.
An audit will show you where print management controls can be used to protect your confidential documents, or whether they’re being printed on unsecure devices or networks. The data presented by the audit will allow you to minimise the risk to your organisation.
What does Sharp’s print audit service include?
At Sharp, we know a one-size-fits-all approach is ineffective. That’s why we’ll work with you to understand your environment, print needs and business goals. Dependent on your business size and requirements, we have different levels of audit available:
Standard print assessment
The first step of our standard assessment is understanding your current equipment, volume and output, and costs.
This service includes:
An on-site visit to your head office *(additional data on your other sites can be captured remotely).
We’ll liaise with key contacts within your business to understand your existing policies, print management solutions, device numbers, and existing spend.
Installation of our print audit software so that we can analyse your current equipment.
A basic recommendations report for fleet replacement or restructure.
Guidance on device security best practice to help highlight the threat that print devices pose if not correctly managed and secured.

Enhanced document assessment
Expanding beyond a standard assessment, the enhanced document assessment will provide you with a detailed understanding of your current environment.
This service includes:
A visit to your main site where we’ll liaise with key contacts to understand your existing policies, print management solutions, device numbers, and existing spend (additional sites can be assessed remotely).
Installation of our print audit software so that we can analyse your current equipment.
Selected end user interviews to obtain specific feedback on your existing process. A survey of select staff may also be used to complement the audit.
We’ll generate a detailed report that analyses your energy consumption and environmental footprint.
A detailed recommendations report for fleet replacement or restructure.
Visual mapping of existing equipment.
Guidance on device security best practices to help highlight the threat that print devices pose if not correctly managed and secured.
Recommendations on device and document improvements.

Why partner with Sharp for your Print Audit service?
We’ll work with you to understand your business and your goals, and then draw on our decades of experience in the provision of cost-effective managed print services to build a unique print solution to help you get there.
By partnering with Sharp you’ll have the backing of a leading and trusted brand. We have a UK-based helpdesk who deliver friendly support in plain English, and a nationwide team of over 250 engineers, with teams local to every region of the country, so you can rest assured that you’re in the best hands.

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