Which Jobs Are At Risk From AI in 2024

Which Jobs Are at Risk From AI in 2024?

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to advance in 2024 and beyond, its influence on various sectors will increase.  

While there are a range of benefits to AI such as, enhanced efficiency and its problem-solving capabilities, there is growing concern about job security. Many wonder, "What jobs will AI replace?".  

This blog will explore the likelihood of AI taking over jobs, job security and AI security in the everchanging landscape of work in 2024.

The Benefits of AI

Before delving into the risk of AI replacing jobs, it’s important to acknowledge the benefits of AI.  

AI technologies streamline operations, reduce human error, and perform complex analyses at unprecedented speeds. Industries like Healthcare, Finance, and Logistics have seen substantial improvements in efficiency and accuracy due to AI integration.  

At Sharp, we are seeing the many benefits of AI. In February, we set up a Copilot champions group, an internal working group made up of various team members from our IT services division who have been trialling Copilot for Microsoft 365. They have done this to gain greater insight into the technology, helping us better educate our clients on its benefits. Copilot for Microsoft 365 is a new AI-powered assistant that integrates into widely used Microsoft applications.  

In the short time that we have been trialling Copilot, we have seen positive changes. A big change has been time saving, it can create content, review long email chains and order meeting notes significantly quicker than humans can. It's also notable how much human admin it can take away, leaving more time for the tasks at hand.  

Job Security

Despite these benefits, the reality of AI replacing jobs cannot be ignored. The concerns are that highly repetitive tasks could be replaced with automation and automatic content generation, could also be at risk of being replaced with AI.  

Here are some of the jobs most at risk in 2024:

Manufacturing and Assembly Line Workers: Automation in manufacturing isn’t new, but AI-enhanced robots are now capable of more sophisticated tasks at a much quicker speed. These machines can operate 24/7 without fatigue, making them a cost-effective alternative to human labour.

Data Entry Clerks: AI's ability to process and analyse large datasets quickly means that data entry roles could be vulnerable in the future. Machine learning algorithms can input, sort, and manage data efficiently.

Customer Service Representatives: Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by AI are becoming more prevalent in customer service. These systems can handle a wide range of customer inquiries, providing quick and accurate responses without the need for human intervention.

Administrative Support: Tasks such as meeting scheduling, email management, and document processing can now be handled by AI-driven tools. Virtual assistants like AI secretaries are reducing demand for traditional administrative roles.

Retail Cashiers: Automated checkout systems and AI-powered kiosks are replacing human cashiers. These technologies not only speed up the checkout process but also reduce labour costs for businesses.

AI Security  

While there’s a big focus on AI taking over jobs, AI security is also a significant concern.  

As AI systems become more integrated into our daily lives and workplaces, ensuring their security is paramount. The integrity of AI systems must be maintained to prevent data breaches, hacking, and other cyber threats. This creates a paradox where AI both threatens and creates jobs; the demand for AI security experts is on the rise, as companies need skilled professionals to safeguard their AI infrastructures.

The Future Workforce

Whilst many people focus on the question of "What jobs will AI replace?", it can be flipped to ask “What jobs will AI create?”.

Unfortunately, it’s clear that there will be circumstances of AI replacing jobs, however, AI also opens new opportunities. These roles include AI specialists who develop and optimise machine learning algorithms, AI ethics consultants who ensure the ethical deployment of AI systems, and AI security experts who safeguard AI infrastructure against cyber threats.  

Additionally, data scientists and analysts are in high demand to interpret the vast amounts of data generated by AI systems, while AI trainers work on refining AI models by providing high-quality data and feedback. These emerging roles highlight the evolving landscape of work where collaboration between humans and intelligent machines is essential.  

As AI develops, so does the wish for human interaction. It's a common complaint to customer service teams that sometimes people just want to be able to talk to someone about a problem, rather than AI. The reliance on human interaction won't go away with the increase of AI. Roles requiring complex human judgment, creativity, and interpersonal skills are less likely to be replaced. Professions such as healthcare providers, educators, and creative professionals will continue to thrive without the threat of AI replacing jobs of their kind.  


As AI continues to reshape the job market, workers must adapt by acquiring new skills and knowledge. Embracing lifelong learning and staying informed about technological trends will be crucial. While the question of what jobs AI will replace looms large, understanding the benefits of AI and focusing on emerging opportunities can help mitigate its impact on job security. AI is not just taking over jobs; it is also creating a new paradigm of work, where humans and machines collaborate to achieve unprecedented efficiency and innovation.

Whilst there is a concern of AI taking over jobs, there are also many benefits of AI than organisations can utilise for their benefit.  

As AI continues to shape the job landscape, it offers a wealth of opportunities that promise to revolutionise various industries positively. By automating repetitive tasks, AI frees up human potential for more creative and strategic tasks, driving innovation and efficiency. The new roles created by AI, from AI specialists to data scientists, highlight the growing importance of human expertise in guiding and managing intelligent systems.  

Embracing AI’s transformative potential can lead to a more dynamic and resilient workforce, where technology and human skills complement each other to achieve unprecedented levels of productivity and progress.