IT Consultant

10 Reasons to Use Outsourced IT Support

According to Gartner, outsourced IT support involves a business hiring an external IT partner, brought in to deliver IT-enabled processes, application services, and infrastructure solutions for business outcomes. Put simply, third party IT providers fulfill the businesses’ IT related needs, instead of them hiring the talent in-house.

Outsourced IT services cover a broad spectrum of tasks for businesses, handling everything from network security to shielding against ransomware. Organisations can outsource IT-related tasks such as cloud management, server installation and monitoring; network installation and maintenance, hardware / software purchasing and firewall configuration to third party IT providers. Businesses can cut down on both time and expense by tapping into the expertise of professionals in all these areas. 

Deciding between outsourcing or managing IT departments in-house is an ongoing debate for businesses across the UK. It's a topic that keeps popping up, and for good reason. Especially when you consider the advantages of switching to outsourced IT for businesses, particularly SMEs. 

Why should my business consider using outsourced IT?

In an age where technology is the cornerstone of business operations, utilising outsourced IT has emerged as a game-changing strategy. It’s a great option for companies looking to streamline their processes, bolster their security, and gain that all-important competitive edge in the marketplace. 

There are many reasons businesses may find it beneficial to use outsourced IT support in place of managing their own IT in-house, whether that’s due to financial constraints, or having specific needs and requirements. According to Forbes, there may be many advantages to a company in outsourcing IT, including faster tech integration and lower overhead costs. However, it’s crucial that businesses examine all aspects of the decision before making the move to outsource their IT services.  It all boils down to what your business requires, the kind of skill and expertise needed to keep things running smoothly, and how you plan to stay ahead of the competition. 

In this blog post we explore ten compelling reasons why working with a trusted third party IT provider could be a transformative move for your organisation:


1.    To free up valuable IT resource

The decision to use an outsourced IT provider frees up additional internal resource within a business. This in turn allows core teams to redirect their focus toward initiatives which often produce better return on investment.

It's a common problem for technical team members to get caught up in IT support related tasks that aren't in their job descriptions. Not only does this lead to increased stress levels and low morale among teams, but often it can result in poor outcomes from an IT perspective. By offloading routine operational IT tasks to external experts, internal teams can concentrate on more strategic initiatives including research and development, innovation, customer engagement, and most importantly, driving business growth. This reallocation of resources encourages a more agile and responsive organisational structure. Plus, there’s the additional bonus of happier teams, which ultimately makes a business more capable of innovation and adaptation to market demands.


2.    To reduce IT costs  

Maintaining an in-house IT department can be costly, often involving substantial investment in things like hardware, software licenses, infrastructure, and specialised training, to name just a few! However, by outsourcing IT services there’s no need to worry about these overheads, providing a much more cost-effective solution. Businesses can also benefit from flexible pricing models, paying only for the services they need and will utilise, ultimately streamlining their operational costs and helping their budget go further.

On top of these factors, there's recruitment costs to consider. There’s a very real recruitment problem across the entire IT industry, with more jobs available than there are skilled candidates to take them. This issue is only getting worse, making IT staffing trickier and pricier all the time. However, the cost of hiring (and then retaining) someone suitable for the job, is eliminated when you choose to outsource your IT services

In addition to all the direct cost savings mentioned, there are also plenty of indirect savings that can be made. Having access to the latest tech helps businesses ramp up productivity and performance. And guess what? That directly translates to boosted profits and happier customers.


3.    Improve cyber security and monitoring

Cyber threats are ever evolving, so a top priority for businesses should be ensuring their cyber security strategy is as robust as possible. Every single business, no matter its size, faces the risk of being targeted by cyber-attacks. To mitigate this risk, businesses often adopt new technologies which focus on detection and remediation.

However, simply relying on reactive technology won't be sufficient in preventing potential cyber-attacks; it requires skilled security experts to leverage these tools effectively, putting preventative measures in place. That's why many businesses opt to outsource this responsibility to a trusted third party for their cyber security solutions, ensuring top-notch security. 

Outsourcing IT services to specialised providers like Sharp also grants businesses access to cutting-edge security measures and vigilant monitoring. The external experts you have access to through outsourcing your IT will implement sophisticated protocols. Their expertise ensures compliance with stringent industry standards, safeguarding sensitive business data. The outsourced IT provider will work to continuously strengthen your businesses' defenses against cyber threats, data breaches, and information theft.


4. Increase productivity

Outsourcing IT services often leads to more streamlined workflows and improved system performance. With external experts managing IT infrastructure, businesses experience reduced downtime, enabling seamless operations across departments. The timely support and maintenance provided by outsourced IT services contribute significantly to minimising disruptions.

Tools and resources not always available to an in-house team are often accessible via an outsourced IT provider. This includes things like remote working solutions, optimised VPN usage, plus simplified data processes. Collaboration is encouraged, enhancing productivity across the whole workplace no matter where its team members are working from. 

Outsourcing your IT also means that team members from across the business have the necessary resources to thrive, without being pulled into various work areas additional to their own workload. When team members can dedicate their attention to specific tasks without being stretched too thin, it creates a more streamlined business operation overall. This not only enhances efficiency, but also maximises skills and manpower, leading to increased overall productivity.


5. Achieve a higher level of consistency

Consistency in IT support and maintenance is crucial for supporting and sustaining business operations on a day-to-day basis. Outsourced IT service providers like Sharp adhere to Service Level Agreements (SLAs), which mean you receive a consistent level of service quality and help when it’s needed. This reliability nurtures trust among stakeholders, which in turn promotes sustained business growth and operational stability.

Sticking to these SLAs isn't just about fixing problems; it's about setting up a reliable structure. With the support of a trusted IT provider, you can plan your business strategy better, allocate resources wisely, and make well informed decisions. It's like having a road map that keeps you on track, letting you focus on your big-picture goals without constantly worrying about tech troubles. This stability doesn't just impress customers; it also gives your team the freedom to excel in what they do best – their jobs!


6. Be proactive rather than reactive 

One of the key advantages of outsourcing IT services lies in its proactive approach. External IT service providers focus on preventative measures, in addition to troubleshooting, detection and remediation. This constant monitoring means potential issues are identified and addressed quickly before they escalate into critical problems, maintaining complete business continuity. 

Not only does this proactive method safeguard your business operations, but it gives you the freedom to navigate through new tech advancements with complete ease, knowing you are supported along the way. An outsourced IT provider's proactive approach is like a shield, defending your systems and business from possible disasters, and ensuring a smoother IT landscape.


7. Gain access to industry specialists

Partnering with an external IT service provider grants your business access to a vast pool of expertise. IT providers are tuned in to everything tech-related, from the latest gadgets to the sneakiest cyber threats. They bring a whole world of expertise, tapping into different tech areas, new dangers, and trends emerging in the industry.

When you outsource your IT, you are working with external experts who excel in their field, something which may be challenging or costly to assemble in-house. Your expert outsourced IT team ensures that your business meets industry regulations, offering a shield against compliance issues. Should any risks arise during a project, third party specialists either remove the risks altogether or assist in effectively managing and reducing them.


8. A higher quality of service

Outsourcing your IT brings a better level of service for a few reasons. Firstly, external IT pros are experts in their field. They've seen it all and know the latest tech tricks, so you know you’re getting top-notch service from seasoned professionals. Plus, when you outsource, the provider is focused solely on your IT needs. That means your systems get the attention they deserve. You'll get quick responses, regular updates, and solutions that prevent problems before they pop up.

Outsourcing also means you get access to tech and tools you might not have in-house. The IT provider will bring the latest and greatest to the table, making your businesses’ IT game stronger. It's like having a secret stash of high-tech solutions, ensuring you’re always ahead of the curve.


9. Increased Accountability

Engaging an external IT service provider like Sharp means there is a clear allocation of responsibilities and deliverables, through things like contractual agreements and SLAs. This structured framework holds the outsourced partner accountable for meeting predefined benchmarks and objectives relevant to your business. 

This accountability ensures that the outsourced IT provider remains focused on delivering quality services. There’s a clear line of responsibility, with everyone on the same page working towards shared objectives and goals. Your outsourced IT provider knows the route to success for your business, and as such they are accountable for helping you to get there.


10. Stay ahead of the competition

No matter your industry or sector, in a fiercely competitive landscape, staying ahead of competition requires continuous innovation and technological advancement. Outsourcing IT services equips businesses with access to cutting-edge technologies, expert insights, and innovative solutions. This strategic advantage enables organisations to adapt swiftly to market changes, implement new technologies efficiently, and gain a competitive edge over rivals.


How can Sharp help me with outsourced IT?

So, now you know what the benefits of outsourcing IT are, but what about how to choose a trusted outsourced IT provider? 

Here are Sharp, we assist businesses across the UK with our outsourced IT support service, Complete I.T Manager

Here's what you can expect from Sharp; we dive into your goals, craft a detailed IT plan together, and hold regular strategy sessions. Our aim? To take the weight of IT support and management off your shoulders, freeing you to focus on your core business objectives. 

We want to make sure your IT systems match your businesses needs perfectly. We're all about boosting collaboration and productivity while minimising those annoying tech glitches that disrupt your day-to-day workflow. You can count on us to keep your operations running smoothly, slashing any downtime caused by IT issues.

With a team of over 140 tech experts at your service, we've got your back on all things IT. Whether it's a tiny password hiccup or larger-scale infrastructure projects, we're here to solve it. You'll have your own Technical Consultant, Account Manager, and a local IT support team—all dedicated to building a solid, long-term relationship tailored for your organisation's success.

We already support organisations in the UK such as the YMCA Cardiff Group, Fengrain and Think Ahead with Complete I.T. Manager, who all benefit from our proactive IT support model in different ways. 

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What's included in our outsourced IT support service?

Sharp's Complete I.T. Manager service is bespoke to your business. We tailor our support to fit your exact needs and future goals. We want to understand your workplace vision and offer expert guidance to help you stay ahead in the tech game. The support service includes features such as: 

  • Unlimited helpdesk support: Count on our local tech experts for all your IT support needs. We're proactive, plain-speaking, and here to assist whenever you need us.
  • Onsite support: Your dedicated Complete I.T. Manager becomes part of your team, offering onsite IT support whenever necessary to ensure your systems run seamlessly.
  • Monitoring: We keep a close eye on your systems and workstations. Our proactive approach means we identify and resolve issues before they even become a problem.
  • IT road map: Get a tailored plan outlining your essential IT activities—both current and future. This road map highlights renewals and upgrades, making the steps to transformation clear cut.
  • Fixed monthly fee: No more complicated pricing models. Say goodbye to fluctuating costs with our fixed monthly fee—making budgeting a whole lot simpler.
  • Insight and innovation: We're always on the lookout for new tech solutions. From infrastructure enhancements to remote working tools, count on us to keep your business ahead of the curve.
  • Approachable account management: We chat quarterly to review and plan. These meetings help us spot improvement opportunities and map out your future IT needs.

We understand that choosing a new IT support provider can feel overwhelming, but fear not! We're here to make the transition as smooth as possible. Whether you're currently working with another provider or managing an in-house team, we've got your back. Our goal is to ensure a seamless shift so that you can focus on what matters most—your business. Your peace of mind is always our priority.

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In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, outsourced IT support has become a cornerstone for businesses aiming not just for survival, but for thriving in an ever competitive market. It's more than just a cost-saving measure; it's a strategic choice to unlock a wealth of specialised expertise and innovation. Beyond the financial benefits, outsourcing IT services empowers businesses to harness cutting-edge technology,strengthen cyber security defenses, and stay agile in an ever-changing market.

By partnering with a trusted third-party IT provider, businesses can go beyond the constraints of internal capabilities. It's about more than just offloading IT responsibilities. This approach enables companies to redirect their focus towards strategic initiatives, fostering innovation and growth, instead of getting bogged down by routine IT issues.

Outsourcing IT services is a game-changer, offering a countless number of benefits for businesses, including: 

  • Heightened efficiency
  • Scalability
  • Cost savings
  • Proactivity 
  • Enhanced security
  • Access to specialists 
  • Accountability
  • Better service
  • A competitive edge

In summary, making the switch to using outsourced IT is a strategic move that any business aiming to leverage their resources to the fullest should consider. By outsourcing, businesses can streamline their operations, adapt to changing demands, and achieve significant cost efficiencies. This approach not only enhances productivity but also allows businesses to scale up or down swiftly, aligning their IT needs with evolving requirements. Ultimately, it's a smart investment that ensures optimal use of resources while fostering flexibility and growth.

For more information about how Sharp can assist your business with outsourced IT support, get in touch with us today.